Local sci-fi writer channels her inner geek

Though known for her award-winning science fiction, Dayton-area writer Kameron Hurley is getting noticed for her newest book, which happens to be nonfiction.

“The Geek Feminist Revolution” is Kameron’s collection of essays about feminism, “geek” culture, and women in science fiction and fantasy literature. It was inspired by, and includes, her essay, “We have always fought,” about the role of women in war, fiction and history. That essay was first published in 2013 on “A Dribble of Ink” website.

In 2014, the essay went on to win the prestigious Hugo Award for science fiction and fantasy in the category of “Best Related Work;” this was the first article to win a Hugo.

“The essay went viral,” Kameron explains, “and was reprinted many times. The essay is the basis for my collection of essays, three-fourths of which have appeared online, with the rest exclusive to my book.”

Her collection came out May 31, but already it’s getting noticed — a starred review and pick of the week from Publisher’s Weekly, for example. Kameron also was recently featured on Wired Magazine’s podcast.

Kameron adds that she attended BookExpo America in May and had an early release signing. “I told my agent I expected four people,” Kameron says. “My agent said I might be underestimating interest. There was a full, packed line of people who’d been waiting for 45 minutes, who said they saw the cover and thought, ‘Hey, that’s me! I’m a geek feminist!’”

Kameron’s focus is now, as it has been for most of her career, on fiction. Her first space opera, “The Stars are Legion,” will be published by Simon and Schuster in January 2017; the third book in her “Worldbreaker Saga” series, “The Broken Heavensm” will come out in April 2017. She is also the author of the award-winning “The God’s War” trilogy.

Learn more about Kameron's work at www.kameronhurley.com.

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