Dayton ranked as Ohio's 4th most Ghetto city, so says dum-dums

The Cannery provides one of the popular housing options in downtown Dayton. About 600 new dwellings are planned for or are under construction downtown, which has seen its apartment vacancy rate drop to about 3.5 percent. TY GREENLEES / STAFF

The Cannery provides one of the popular housing options in downtown Dayton. About 600 new dwellings are planned for or are under construction downtown, which has seen its apartment vacancy rate drop to about 3.5 percent. TY GREENLEES / STAFF


If you are looking for a "Jane, you ignorant slut" moment, click the link that follows to read Road Snacks' incredibly classist "article" listing the 10 Most Ghetto Cities In Ohio.

I’ve saved you the trouble and spared you wanting to punch your computer screen or drown your mobile device.

Dayton landed in the No. 4 spot behind East Cleveland, Cleveland and Youngstown.

Proving it employs scholars, Road Snacks dug deep to find the most incendiary two Urban Dictionary definitions of the word "ghetto" to partly explain its methodology:

  • "urban; of or relating to (inner) city life
  • "poor; of or relating to the poor life."

I’ll use what I found in Webster's Dictionary, a considerably more reliable source to define the word "ghetto."

  •  a part of a city in which members of a particular group or race live usually in poor conditions
  •  the poorest part of a city

I'll go back to Urban Dictionary, a user-content generated site that defines words and phrases like throw shade and handcestors for the masses, for a definition for Road Snacks' gutter dwelling "writers" and "researchers."

The Urban Dictionary word that best fits these hacks is "asshat."

It is defined as “one who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat.”

I will use it in a sentence: “Road Snacks is ‘written’ by a bunch of asshats.”

That was me throwing shade.

When I look up the compound word "dum-dum" in my personal dictionary, I see Road Snacks' URL.

The site clearly takes care to NOT research before it throw stories on the Interwebs.

Its "story" includes a link to a University of Dayton Ghetto Instagram page that is filled with mostly smiling college students partying and enjoying their life in Dayton.

Wow, that’s super ghetto.

Here's a hint for the hintless, if you want to show how depressing and  "horribly urban" a place is, don't link to a site showing how awesome life is there.

I’ve got links for that, though.

Below are a few recent article that prove that Road Snacks' staff has never left the hole they write from and traveled to Dayton. Heck, they probably couldn't even locate Ohio on a road map and have never ventured into an urban city.

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